When a person cultivates art or goes out to learn art, he has to face many difficulties. There are family, financial and social problems, but the biggest problem is the space for art practice. Understanding these difficulties of the artists, we are initiating for this art centre to provide them with abundant resources for art practice, a nurturing environment, a quiet, relaxed space and special freedom. This art centre will be not only for practice but also for experimentation.
Art means history. Many unfolding and undiscovered aspects can be studied here. Folk arts and cultures from different parts of India will be exchanged here. A feast of tribal art from different states will be held here. It will be an open platform for artists from all fields of writing, literature, technology, research, fine arts.
The arts are here understood to comprise the fields of creative and critical literature, written and oral; the visual arts, ranging from architecture, sculpture, painting and graphics to general material culture, photography and film; the performing arts of music, dance and theatre in their broadest connotation; and all else in fairs, festivals and lifestyle that has an artistic dimension. In its initial stages the Centre will focus attention on India; it will later expand its horizons to other civilizations and cultures. Through diverse programs of research, publication, training, creative activities and performance, the Earthian Art Village seeks to place the arts within the context of the natural and human environment. The fundamental approach of the Centre is all its work will be both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.
As we don’t have any infrastructure on our land and as mentioned in the cover letter we would like to begin with a recreation hall where we can conduct social activities, workshops and also students from nearby school and villagers can use this for their creative space. We are finding various ways for fund raising. The total area of the recreational hall would be 2600sqft. We are looking for the sustainable, recycled / up cycled and environment friendly construction. We are also looking for the inclusive architectural design for differently able people.
Total budget require for this is - Thirty Four lacks Twenty Five Thousand only.