Children club of India was registered during the year 2013 under Indian Trust Act of 1882, by a group of dedicated professional social workers with the leadership of Thiru.M.Pappu Founder and Managing Trustee of the Children club of India, with an objective of facilitating rural communities especially women and children to get holistic and sustainable development in the field of Education, health, social welfare, rural development, livelihood, empowerment relief and rehabilitation,
We have started our work in kadayam and Ambasamudram block of Tirunelveli District in Tamilnadu during 2013 based on the demand of the poor people from these area.
After the programme was over by 2012 there was no possibility from Gandhgram to follow up these activities. Therefore we took as a challenge to continue our services by registering an organization in the name of children club of India with the following vision and mission
To facilitate the disadvantaged communities towards sustainable development in multidimensional areas with active participation of all stakeholders
To create a platform for children and make them good citizen of India by holistic approach with all players in rural development