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Key Programmes:
This section gives you details of up to 3 key programmes of the organisation.



Programme Title
Oyster Mushroom Cluster Development for 1000+ mushroom farmers covering 22 villages in NGH Meghalaya
The Mendipathar Oyster Mushroom Cluster Project is supporting 1,000+ tribal smallholder farmers from 23 villages in the Resubelpara block of North Garo Hills District secure a sustainable food production system by addressing mothers and children's nutritional deficiencies.
The project delivers the entire oyster mushroom supply chain. The CFC houses the Commercial Spawn Production Lab, Mushroom Bag Making Unit (including an incubation room), Dehydration, Powder, Pickle, Other VA Products, and Packaging Unit, Training & Capacity Building Center, Small Holder Farmer Incubator, Retail Sale & Marketing Unit, and other departments. MFCS has created a sustainable ecosystem including Wastewater Recycling Facility, Organic Manure Unit, Solar Street Lights, and Rainwater Harvesting System.

The cluster makes dried mushrooms, powder, pickles, soup mixes, and chutney mixes. Farmers have sold fresh oyster mushrooms in markets for generations. After the CFC has been made functional, MFCS bought 500 kg of fresh (pink oyster) mushroom and dried it for onward sales. Since April this year, 30+ farmers are utilizing the incubation facility @ the CFC for proper Mycelium growth before transferring them to the individual sheds for production.
MFCS is currently working with Hyderabad's National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) to develop a mushroom powder supplement for children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding moms. GoM has agreed to purchase powder mushroom for state MDM use. Technology transfer from IIHR Bangalore has resulted in agreements to design and manufacture 7 value-added items at CFC under the Megha mushroom brand.

The state government has heavily backed this massive project. GoM through DoA & NESFB has provided soft loans of INR 50,000/- every farmer to build IHHL mushroom sheds with 50% grant to each farmer. 309 farmers have received loan subsidies totalling to ₹1.54 Cr. 190 farmers have built sheds, and others are underway. MFCS has received ₹90 lkh as gap fund support for different tasks, including 250KvA transformer from the state government in last 8 months. The facility partially opened on 31 March 2023.

The project's main goal is to standardize mushroom production to enhance fresh and value-added mushroom production and farmers' revenue. The Megha Food Cooperative Society helps North Garo Hills Tribes' smallholder mushroom producers with standardized production, training & skill development, value addition, market linkage, branding, and wider markets.

Programme location
  • Meghalaya
  • North Garo Hills
Primary Classification
Not elsewhere classified
Secondary Classification
Not Elsewhere Classified
Activity Classification
Not Elsewhere Classified
Beneficiary Groups
  • Farmers / Farm Labourers
  • Tribals
  • Women
  • Youth
Improve productivity by giving farmers with standardized Ready to Fruit (RTF) bags (bags to be prepared at CFC).
Mushroom production and cropping unit for training and capacity building for farmers.
Improvement of quality production not just for fresh mushrooms but also for value-added goods in an existing cluster.

Programme Goals
Improved efficiency of cluster farmers and better production process due to skill training and handholding of cluster stakeholders.
Create value addition and production diversification at the cluster level leading to higher realization and improved income for the mushroom farmers along with other cluster actors.
Improved infrastructure enabling bulk production of high-quality production value products in cost effective manner.

Valid Until
31/05/2026 00:00:00
Programme Title
Limiting 200,000 metric tonnes of banana stem waste from reaching landfills, thereby reducing approx. 258,720 tonnes of CO2e emissions, and instead creating products worth over 2.0M USD, benefiting the livelihoods of more than 1058 tribal people in a remote region of Meghalaya.

Converting Banana waste into fibers of purpose through community partnership and government funding support creating handmade paper, yarn, ropes, fabric, and Absorbent Pads; all done by local farmers/ women/ SHG members/ Young & Educated girls in the area.

Transforming WASTE TO WEALTH, this project has been uniquely designed to not only fulfill the objectives of reducing landfill necessary for CARBON NEUTRALITY but also train the tribal communities with new skills for improved QUALITY OF LIFE.
Programme location
  • Meghalaya
  • North Garo Hills
Primary Classification
Not elsewhere classified
Secondary Classification
Not Elsewhere Classified
Activity Classification
Not Elsewhere Classified
Beneficiary Groups
  • Farmers / Farm Labourers
  • Tribals
  • Women
  • Youth
To develop high-quality banana fibre for production of handmade paper and paper products.

Waste generated to be utilized for production of Bio-fertilizer to enhance the soil property.

Banana fruit dehydration and value addition unit for demonstration, training and capacity
building for the entire value chain for farmers.

Handmade paper VA production unit for demonstration, training and capacity building
@CFC for paper bags, ropes and handicrafts.

Progression of an existing cluster from scattered to a more dynamic and organized cluster with improved, quality production from un-used, waste generated from banana plant, leading to development of entrepreneurship, recycling of waste and income enhancement for the farmers.

Programme Goals
More than 1050+ banana farmers will be trained to upcycle the waste (which is either burnt or discarded) generated from banana plant (pseudostem) to pulp & fiber.

More than 1000+ women (through IVCs & SHG support network) will be trained for economical and environmentally safe solution for female hygiene (Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins). This environmentally sustainable product can absorb up to 6 hours of heavy flow and is both machine and hand washable.

Infrastructure is being developed with funding support from GoI & GoM for making handmade paper from pulp & Fiber thereby producing paper bags, files, recyclable papercrafts etc.

Sap & Scutcher produced will be converted into bio-fertilizer, vermi-compost and mordant (for color fastening in natural dyes).

More than 200+ women will be trained in converting banana fiber yarn into various handloom products. Further they will be trained in blending banana yarn with cotton and silk for production of new/ improved handloom with support from designers.

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