India's social issues, rooted in factors like poverty, inequality, a sizable population, and rapid economic development, are both diverse and complex. NGOs play a vital role in addressing complex challenges by crafting solutions grounded in a deep understanding of on-the-ground social issues. The lack of awareness, access to resources and limited organisational capacities in NGOs leads to their inability to sustain & and grow and therefore deliver on their vision and mission.
We build the capacity of NGOs by developing their knowledge, skills and setting up systems and processes in 10 organisational development areas. Atma believes in solving these issues demands multifaceted approaches targeting root causes. Our ultimate goal of capacity building is to empower individuals and enable organisations to sustain and grow. Our approach is to offer -
1. Tailored Support - We provide personalised, one-on-one assistance to NGOs, crafting strategies and action plans aligned with their unique goals for long-term sustainability.
2. Collaboration - Partnering with invested donors and sector intermediaries, we amplify our impact, extending comprehensive support to more number of NGOs than we could alone.
3. Outcome Oriented - Atma adopts a data, review, learn and improve approach to all its programmes, driving better accountability and committment to outcomes.
1. The Accelerator
Accelerator offers tailored 3-month to 3-year support, focussing on NGO organisational development to boost capacity and propel growth in the social sector.
2. The Lab
The Lab is a collaborative hub where we partner with funders, intermediaries, and volunteers to drive experimentation, foster innovative models, enhance organisational development resources, and develop human capital, all aimed at building the capacity of NGOs across India.