Palawi provides care-home for orphan children living with HIV. It is the first institution of such kind in Maharashtra India.
India is home to the world’s largest population of HIV-positive orphans. Unfortunately, the number continues to rise. These children face staggering risks and typically die young or live on the streets.
Palawi open its arms to HIV-positive orphans to create a care-home in 2001 at Pandharpur. The care-home was founded on the belief that all children have a fundamental right to a loving, fun-filled childhood with access to health, education and safe and stigma free environment.
Today at Palawi, we run a thriving a residential care-home with 150+ children between the age of ONE months and 30 years. All children are from Maharashtra state. They have been referred to us by child-care institutions, orphanages, hospitals and other NGOs.
Palawi has given these children a life-time commitment and provide for their educational, nutritional, medical and recreational needs. Palawi provides a holistic approach to children’s health and well-being. It provides a safe, caring and stimulating environment for them and helps give them the best possible start in life by providing love and support.