26-Omnagar (3), Hanuman Para Road
Registered Address same as above
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Learning And Migration Program
As we know that the education system is damaged due to migrated families. Most children whose parents migrate regularly, again and again, suffer from poor formal education. To reach out to these families Government started so many programs. The importance of education should be everywhere but migration is one of the factors, which reduces the effectiveness of government programs for education. The migrant child has the right to develop but due to specific reasons, they are always left. The Supreme Court has recognized the education of children in the 6 - 14 years age group as a Fundamental Right which cannot wait. The efforts to provide access to out-of-school children and ensure their regular participation and completion of primary/elementary level of education with satisfactory levels of learning have to form a part of the overall efforts for achievement. Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra has been working in the field of education since its inception and facilitated several programmes that are promoting education in its field areas. We will spread awareness in the community about RTE Act-2009 and its provision for their children. We will encourage them to participate in the educational development of their village. With extra classes, we will provide basic education to those children who are slow learners or may be behind in the syllabus because of migration. We plan to run Learning Enrichment Program (LEP) for 3rd to 5th class students in 2 villages. We will also reach 6th to 8th class students through our LRC (Learning Resource Centre) programme in 2 villages. We shall improve the quality of education in the other 12 villages. All other supportive activities like Balmela, SDP and others will run accordingly as per planning. Second Part consist Strengthening of the Community. We will build the capacity of the School Management Community in all our program areas. We will also provide guidance and support to SMC to provide migration certificates to outward migrating children and ensure admission to inward migrating children.
Promotion of Improved Farming Practices in 133 villages of Amreli & Gir Somanath District
Organization has started Better Cotton program with the collaboration of “Cotton Connect” to facilitate growth of agriculture product. We have continued with our work of sustainable development through improved farming practices among 22202 farmers of Amreli and Gir Somnath districts. Organisation has covered 133 villages under this program. Farmers were aware through various programs like crop demonstration, trainings, IPM, INM, IWM,Water Management, etc. Crop of cotton gives more production to farmers in comparison to other cash crops. If we think in term of cost, then also the production cost of cotton is high. To maintain the production of cotton and to keep in focus the criteria of the increasing risk for crops, we organised meetings with Sarpanch and leaders in all these villages to introduce about the organization and the activities as the first part of the program. We have formed 632 learning groups, each contains 40 farmer members. The organization was provided programmatic, Module 1-2-3 and FPO formation training to these groups. In addition, monthly meetings were organized for these groups. Many of farmers have decreased the use of fertilizer and pesticides. So, it was found that the costs of harvesting were reduced and productivity increased. We have arranged health camps in villages of our project area. Safety equipment were given to farmers which can be used while spraying pesticides. Other farmers were also inspired and started using safety kits. After soil and water testing of samples, our team provided instructions to farmer based on suggestions of reports. In the child awareness activities team has discussed and aware children of these villages about child rights.
Improving the self-reliance and resilience of rural communities in Rajkot district
The program aims to foster climate resilience, value chain integration, and diversified rural incomes with a strong focus on women's empowerment. Through targeted interventions and strategic partnerships, we seek to enhance the livelihoods of rural communities, promote sustainable agricultural practices, and develop resilient ecosystems.
This program is designed to build resilient rural communities by addressing key challenges in climate adaptation, agricultural value chains, and income diversification, with a focus on women’s empowerment. Our goal is to enhance sustainable agricultural practices, improve livelihoods, and ensure food security through strategic interventions and partnerships. The program involves revisiting climate adaptation plans at the district level, scaling successful interventions, and promoting landscape-based approaches such as watershed and drainage line treatments. By repairing defunct water harvesting structures and promoting efficient irrigation methods, we aim to improve water management and enhance agricultural productivity. We are also supporting the cultivation of nutrient-rich crops and expanding food diversity to address nutritional needs. To strengthen rural economies, the program focuses on integrating value chain development by enhancing farmer collectives and leveraging partnerships with organizations to scale best practices in agriculture. This includes introducing advanced technologies in sowing, crop protection, post-harvest processing, and improving market access by linking with state-level federations. Additionally, we are committed to empowering women through entrepreneurship, scaling up existing livelihood clusters, and incorporating technological innovations to increase productivity and market opportunities. By partnering with agencies like NRLM, we aim to further strengthen rural economies and diversify income sources. Through a comprehensive approach that combines climate resilience, agricultural development, and women’s entrepreneurship, this program fosters sustainable growth, economic empowerment, and community resilience.
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Shikshan and Samaj Kalyan Kendra got identity among people of operational area. Organization got success being helpful to society through various activities on Agriculture, health, education, women empowerment etc. People know that how various activities by the organization became helpful to society and which types of help they get from organization. They got new direction. We are doing our best with vision to give best livelihood opportunity to people with various effective activities and programs, but some time it needed expert for those work some hurdle came to those work but with other ongoing activities we take it carefully and getting experience we got expertise. Some time exposure of other organization learned new idea. Thus organization's team does their work with enthusiasm and this function make organization stronger. With making transparency in program, administration and account we create new way and involved in social audit process of social responsibility. People saw their readiness to stop gapes and mistake in implementation.
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