Isha Vidhya rural schools have been started in villages (under the umbrella of Isha Education trust, established in 2005) to provide high-quality school education to underprivileged rural children who cannot otherwise access or afford it. The holistic, activity-based approach nurtures children’s ... |
India's social issues, rooted in factors like poverty, inequality, a sizable population, and rapid economic development, are both diverse and complex. NGOs play a vital role in addressing complex challenges by crafting solutions grounded in a deep understanding of on-the-ground social issues. The ... |
Muktangan is an innovative educational project which has demonstrated how ordinary women and men empowered with the right beliefs and skills, can drive extraordinary outcomes for children from their own aspiring communities. We adopt a “Total Schools Approach” by training local community members ... |
Kaivalya Education Foundation (KEF) is a change management organization that supports Public Education System Leaders in improving the learning levels of students by enabling people improving processes and embedding technology.
KEF was founded with the objective of strengthening the public ... |
Adhyayan Foundation seeks to improve the quality of leadership and learning outcomes in schools in a manner that is scalable and sustainable by enabling educational leaders to:
a) develop a common language of school quality linked to a measurable school quality framework.
b) set up tech-enabled ... |
Gyan Shala program of Education Support Organisation (ESO) was initiated with the aim of providing good quality basic school education to children from poor rural and urban families, on par with what is available to urban upper income classes. Starting with 10 classes in the year 2000, Gyan Shala ... |
Simple Education Foundation (SEF) is a not-for-profit organization based in Delhi. It was founded in 2013 by two Teach For India alumni, and is registered as a trust.
SEF works with the mission to build pathways that offer every child the access to quality education, regardless of their social ... |
NEG-FIRE (New Education Group - Foundation for Innovation and Research in Education), is a non-profit, knowledge-based development organization, registered under the Societies Regisration Act 1860. It was founded in March 2005. The organization aims at reshaping the lives of children from ... |
The organisation provides education support to children from the socially weaker and economically disadvantaged sections of society through appropriate education, vocational and livelihood training with emphasis on education for the girl child No. of people served: 62,350 |
Quality Education Support Trust (QUEST) is an NGO registered in 2007 with the motivation to pursue quality related issues in Early Childhood Education, elementary education and teacher professional development, primarily through action-research in pedagogy. QUEST has designed various programs for ... |