NAGAR is a not for profit organization established in 2000, born out of the passion of several ordinary citizens with a goal to improve life in the city of Mumbai. Through its constituents CitiSpace, CLEAN-Air and CLEAN-Sweep, it has been working in the areas of preservation of public open spaces, solid waste management and improvement in air quality. NAGAR has decided to amalgamate its resources and go forward as one body in order to better meet the challenges of a changing city, and will continue to work in the above and other related fields. Its creed has been strong and consistent advocacy with Government and its agencies for better implementation of existing laws, suggesting changes in policies for better governance in civic related issues and working towards urban renewal. It has a vast citizen base spread over the city and networks with other civic NGOs on specific issues.
Mission: To catalyze Mumbai’s transformation through Good Governance and Renewal • Build NAGAR’s capacity and expertise to inculcate best practices in issues relating to governance • Influence changes in law, policies and programs in a responsible and holistic manner • Conduct such pilot projects and research assignments as tools for advocacy • Organise and effectively develop community networks and initiatives • Educate and influence media to be a responsible player in this game
Vision: NAGAR aspires to be The organisation that will be an effective and responsible voice with the authorities and other stakeholders on all issues related to civic governance. It sees itself as the nodal NGO bringing together individual, corporate and activist efforts in a responsible and holistic manner for the actualization of this vision.
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