Impelled by social problems, like poverty, discrimination and unjust practices in the society, Immanuel Gorge (Abhishiktananad) together with like-minded friends formed ‘Jan Vikas Samiti’ based on justice, equity and freedom. Since inception, the organization has been working for the integral development of the marginalized and underprivileged sections of society, particularly of women, children, scheduled caste and persons with disabilities. The integral development of the marginalized and underprivileged sections of the society, particularly of women, children, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and persons with disabilities is the major focus area of the activity of JVS in North India. JVS believes in inclusive approach to the ability, opportunity and dignity of the disadvantaged on the basis of their social identities through participation for social transformation. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.
Empowerment of the marginalized people of the society, especially the dalits, persons with disabilities, women and children through a process of awareness building, people's organization, collective action and advocacy for raising their socio-political, educational, economic and health status and promotion of environment.
We visualize an inclusive humane society based on the values of equity, justice and freedom.
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