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Citizens Foundation
Key Programmes:
This section gives you details of up to 3 key programmes of the organisation.



Programme Title
Watershed management in 10 villages of Gumla and Raidih Blocks of Gumla Districts
In joint capacity with NABARD under the NABARD-RIDF program Citizens Foundation has taken up the project of watershed management in ten villages of Gumla and Raidih Blocks of Gumla Districts. The project cluster is at Bharno Block of Gumla District in Jharkhand. The total selected area of watershed treatment is 5028.4106 ha. Rapport building and consciousness generation of community members are the first stage for building self-assurance to take decisions for implementation of activities. The broad head contains Capacity Building, EPA, Natural Resources Management, Livelihood promotion, Productivity Enhancement and Micro Enterprises, Monitoring and Evaluation, Convergence with Others departments, Exit protocol etc. The activities like agriculture and horticulture under this project focuses on organic farming and establishing livelihood development of agriculture especially with cultivation of vegetables, oil seed pulses, floriculture, kitchen garden, back yard plantation, SRI method of paddy cultivation, organic and etc. The Horticulture programme, crop demonstration programme and Capacity building have been premeditated for various CBOs like SHG, UG, and Watershed Committee. The elementary objective of this training programme is Project Orientation as well as Skill Development.
Programme location
  • Jharkhand
  • Gumla
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Activity Classification

Programme Title
Mobile Medical Unit
Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Jharkhand For the past 10 years, Citizens Foundation has been providing access to quality healthcare to underserved communities in isolated rural areas through our Mobile Medical Units (MMU). With presence in 12 districts in rural Jharkhand, acting as the sole care provider for many vulnerable communities in those areas, our MMUs seek to improve the overall public health through innovative service delivery methods.
Programme location
  • Jharkhand
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Activity Classification
Promotional: To raise awareness and promote best practices in the health sector that encourage community involvement
Preventative: To realize the overall status of ‘wellbeing’ so that prevention of the occurrence of the disease is important
Curative: To complete treatment of minor ailments and early detection of communicable diseases

Programme Goals
Family Planning: To educate and support parents in the planning and execution of determining the number of and spacing of child births due to
their particular circumstances
Reproductive and Child Health: To encourage a state of physiological health with regard to reproductive health

Programme Title
Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre in the Bhagalpur
Although High Infant Mortality has been a huge challenge for the country over the decades since independence, the scenario has slowly improved over the past few years. This is the result of years of targeted interventions focused on the root causes of child, infant, and neonatal mortality. These interventions usually target vulnerable communities, providing them access to preventative care, curative care, reproductive and family planning services, and proven nutrition interventions to combat the widespread malnutrition. The Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar is one such initiative that aims to combat Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in children from 0-59 months of age. The program asks for mothers and their children that are affected by SAM to come to the centre for a 3-week period of intensive care. During that time, the NRC provides adequate feeding and medical care to children and infants, training for mothers to learn how to prepare nutrient rich food on a limited budget utilizing locally sourced ingredients along with additional training for mothers on the topics of both nutrition and hygiene so that they can continue to give their children proper care after leaving the centre to successfully combat the after effects of SAM. A small stipend for mothers to offset loss of wages while at the center is also given out; building a foolproof outreach system that fights the ailment of malnutrition at a grass root level.
Programme location
  • Bihar
  • Bhagalpur
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Activity Classification

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